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One Stop Shop

For All Your
Wood-Splitting Needs

In our current throwaway society, we are a company that believes in using traditional low-impact methods, which are sensitive to the envirornment, to turn your natural resource of wood into fuel.


We believe in utilsing modern methods of refurbishing tools instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. 

Staffordshire, Shropshire & Cheshire |   +44 (0) 7710 512 670   |


Enquire now to book a Lantra approved arborist able to undertake bespoke work to suit your landscape.

Want to turn your own wood into a usable fuel for your indoor and outdoor burners.

Speak to me about low-impact woodsplitting.


Talk  to me about:

Axe regrinding & rehandling


Chainsaws servicing & sharpening.


Edged tool refurbishment

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